I have teamed up with Reach the Children to help bring much-needed health and other humanitarian services to needy people in Africa. The charity’s current programs include education (general skills, AIDS prevention, and health), micro-enterprise, orphan care, water & agriculture, and community empowerment initiatives to help people help themselves (http://reachthechildren.org/). Through the end of the year, all of the proceeds from on-line Amazon sales of my book I Love Rochester New York book will go directly to the charity. And a full 100% of donations to this Rochester-based charity go straight to the organization’s programs in 13 African countries. Making a donation will never be sweeter. Get some books for holiday gifts and help make life better for others.
To order the book go to: http://www.amazon.com/I-Love-Rochester-New-York/dp/0615505139/ref=?ie=UTF8&m=A2FVSQDGQBEV04.